Workplace Harassment
Workplace Discrimination and Harassment
Overlake Medical Center & Clinics values the diversity of its employees, volunteers, and visitors. It is the policy of Overlake Medical Center & Clinics to provide all employees with a work environment that is free from any form of unlawful or inappropriate discrimination or harassment. Discrimination or harassment based on an employee's race, color, sex, creed, religion, age, marital status, national origin, citizenship, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status or characteristic protected by local, state, or federal law or hospital policy will not be tolerated.
Discrimination/Harassment Defined
Prohibited discrimination is adverse treatment of someone because of his or her race, sex, religion, age, disability, or other status that is protected under the law or company policy. Harassment is one form of discriminatory treatment. Prohibited harassment can take many forms and can include slurs, comments, jokes, innuendoes, unwelcome compliments, pictures, cartoons, pranks, or other verbal or physical conduct which are derogatory of a persons protected status and which have the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, interfering with an individuals work performance, or otherwise affecting an individuals employment opportunities. A particular behavior might be considered harassment even if the recipient of the behavior is not offended. For example, if someone shares a sexual joke with a co-worker, the co-worker might not be offended, but someone who overhears the joke may be offended.
Sexual Harassment Defined
A. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that occurs when the kind of verbal and physical conduct described above is sexual in nature or is gender- based (i.e., directed at a person because of his/her gender). Sexual harassment may include the following:
Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors;
Other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature such as:
a. Comments, suggestions, jokes or derogatory remarks based on sex (verbal or written)
b. Pats, squeezes, repeated brushing against someone's body, or impeding or blocking normal work or movement;
Posting of visually offensive items such as sexually suggestive or derogatory pictures, cartoons or drawings, even at ones own work station;
Situations where submission to the conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment;
Situations where submission to, or rejection of, the conduct is used as the basis of an employment decision (for example, a performance evaluation, work assignment, or advancement) affecting such individual; or
The conduct unreasonably interferes with the individual's job performance and/or creates a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive.
Complaint Procedure
Any employee who experiences or observes possible discrimination or harassment of any kind by anybody (including non-hospital staff such as vendors, patients, family members, etc.), is encouraged to immediately identify the offensive behavior to the harasser and request that it stop. If the employee is uncomfortable in addressing the matter directly with the harasser, or if the behavior does not stop, then the employee should discuss the matter immediately with his/her supervisor, a Human Resources representative, or the Shift Administrator on duty.
Any employee who suspects or witnesses possible discriminatory or harassing behavior or receives a complaint of discrimination or harassment of any kind is required to report the matter to his/or supervisor and/or the Human Resources Department immediately. For situations which require immediate intervention and which occur outside of normal Human Resources business hours, any employee with knowledge of the situation is required to contact the supervisor or Shift Administrator on duty at the time. (The matter should be reported to Human Resources by the Shift Administrator or supervisor once the immediate intervention situation has been handled.) Security may always be contacted if there is a concern of an immediate threat to someone's safety.
Assessment and/or Investigative Process
A. After receiving a report of discrimination of harassment, Human Resources will assess the report and determine the appropriate response. If an investigation is warranted, Human Resources will perform an objective investigation, and will ensure that all employee follow-up and documentation is completed in accordance with organizational procedures. Management is required to report all such matters to Human Resources. Any supervisor, agent, or employee who has been found to have illegally harassed or discriminated against an employee will be subject to appropriate corrective action, ranging from a warning to dismissal from employment. No employee will suffer retaliation for reporting instances of discrimination or harassment, nor will retaliation be tolerated against any individuals involved in the investigative process.
B. Employees of Overlake should act responsibly to maintain a pleasant working environment, free of discrimination and harassment, thus allowing each employee to perform to his/her maximum potential. Employees who have questions regarding discrimination or harassment or any aspect of this policy should see their supervisor or talk to a Human Resources representative.