In The News: Overlake Medical Center opens 1st breast milk distribution site in Washington state
KING TV's Mimi Jung spoke with a patient from Overlake and Sandy Salmon, director of women and infants' services about Overlake's donor milk distribution site.
From the article, "Now, getting donor milk is even easier. Overlake Medical Center has partnered with Northwest Mothers Milk Bank to open Washington state's first breast milk distribution site right on campus, which means moms can purchase milk if they have a prescription for a medical need after they are discharged and go home. Moms can also donate and drop off the milk right in Bellevue, which means the donor milk comes from local moms and is given to local moms. You don’t need to be a patient at Overlake to receive the donor breast milk. Being able to pick up the milk right in Bellevue means moms are able to get the milk faster."