FLARE: 5 Ways to Help Someone Having a Seizure
If you witness someone having a seizure do you know what to do?
Stay calm and think F.L.A.R.E.
F – Floor. If someone is having a seizure, guide him or her to the floor.
L – Lay. Position the person on their side. This will help prevent their tongue from obstructing their airway while allowing any saliva to drain down the side of the mouth and not back into their lungs.
A – Area. Clear the area of any objects that might cause them injury. Do not hold the person or restrain their movements.
R – Remove. Remove restrictive clothing and accessories, such as glasses, scarf or hat.
E – Evaluate. Stay with the person until the seizure is over. If the person is injured, has trouble breathing or walking, or is pregnant—and the seizure has lasted longer than 5 minutes, call 911 immediately.
With a shared vision of providing high-quality, patient-centered neuroscience care to the Eastside and beyond, Overlake and EvergreenHealth have joined forces to form the Eastside Neuroscience Institute to deliver comprehensive care from top providers in the Pacific Northwest. Visit eastsideneuroinstitute.org to learn more.