4 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Age

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Planning for the future as you age involves thoughtful consideration of your financial needs, healthcare preferences, support network and long-term living arrangements. By addressing these four questions, you can create a comprehensive plan that supports your well-being and independence. It's never too early to start—take the first steps today to secure a brighter tomorrow.

Consider these 4 questions to make sure you’ve planned for the future:

Two older women biking in Washington.
  1. Am I financially prepared? Start saving now for things like medical expenses, home repair and housework. As you get older, some tasks can be more expensive since you may need to hire help. You may also want to meet with a financial adviser to discuss long-term care insurance. This can help you pay for nursing home care, medical equipment, assisted living and home care depending on the plan.
  2. Are my wishes known? Advance directives, such as durable power of attorney for healthcare or a living will, make sure that your wishes related to your health are known to others. A durable power of attorney for healthcare lets you name a person who will make your healthcare decisions if you’re not able to. A living will lets you state your preferences for treatment if you can no longer make decisions.
  3. Who will be my support system? Surround yourself with people you can rely on to help and support you, like neighbors, friends and relatives. Before you plan to retire in a new area, think about your support system. Making new friends will take time and effort if you move. You can meet people by joining a club, taking a class or volunteering.
  4. Where do I want to live long-term? You may want to stay in your home, but can you live there alone for the extended future? Think about factors like whether you want to walk or drive to get around, your proximity to healthcare facilities and providers, and if you’d like to be somewhere that offers social opportunities.
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