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A New Way of Giving in the New Year

As we leave 2020 behind us and look toward better days ahead, w e could all use a change in outlook. New activities, hobbies and goals all give us things to look forward to and a sense of turning the page on a challenging time. Consider creating a giving circle or joining an existing one. Giving circles provide opportunities to deepen your relationships with peers, form new connections and help your whole community.

What’s a giving circle?

A giving circle is a group of people—friends, peers, colleagues or a broader group—who donate a set amount to a collective pool of funds. The group decides together which charitable organization or organizations to support with their combined dollars. For example, if the members of a 10-person circle each contribute $1,000, the group can make an impactful $10,000 gift to a food bank that is serving the needy in their community.

Why give collectively?

Combining your gifts with others can take your philanthropy to another level.

If you have ever donated to an organization you support but felt your gift was too small to make a difference, joining forces with others who share your values increases your impact.  

  • The group dynamic may cause everyone to give a little more, benefiting the recipient and the community even more.
  • Working with others who share your values helps form and maintain meaningful connections with others.
  • Learning more about the work of organizations in your community can be inspiring and may lead you to new volunteer and engagement opportunities.

How to get started

Experts recommend starting small—a group of 10 is manageable. Choose a couple of like-minded peers and expand outward from there. Once your core group is established, hold a business meeting to create your guidelines: How much will we give and how will we decide on the recipients? (Meetings should be virtual during the pandemic, but once it is safe to gather, potluck dinners, wine and cheese happy hours, and other fun strategies are highly recommended.)

Making an impactful gift to Overlake

If you or your giving circle want to help ensure top-quality healthcare for your community, consider directing your philanthropy to Overlake. As a nonprofit, charitable organization, Overlake benefits from the generosity of hundreds of donors who care about the Eastside. Please contact the Overlake Foundation at (425) 688-5525 or We would be happy to speak with your group about directing your contribution to the program that best fits your priorities.

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